Avatar: The Last Airbender: "Chapter Seven: The Runaway," "Chapter Eight: The Puppetmaster," and "Chapter Nine: Nightmares and Daydreams"
In which we gird ourselves for the end
Avatar: The Last Airbender: "Chapter Four: Sokka's Master," "Chapter Five: The Beach," and "Chapter Six: The Avatar and the Fire Lord"
In which we find out what Azula's like on her downtime
Monday mailbag! (June 2021 edition)
What workplaces should be on TV? And what 'ships does Emily like?
Avatar: The Last Airbender: "Chapter One: The Awakening," "Chapter Two: The Headband," and "Chapter Three: The Painted Lady"
In which our friends get up to some scrapes and shenanigans
Torchwood's queer utopia
How a Doctor Who spinoff became the queerest show on TV for its era
Yes, teens do talk like that
Responding to a common TV and movie criticism that irritates me
How Chinese series The Untamed captures the lives of queer Asian Americans
OR: The Yiling Laozu Experience
Just watch the early "bad" episodes (repost)
A TV show teaches you how to watch it. Sometimes, it has to teach you via episodes that don't quite seem to work.