Cowboy Bebop: "Jupiter Jazz"
In which it was a different time
Kirsten and Natalie interlude: The music videos of Kirsten Dunst
So many musicians have made music videos about staring at Kirsten Dunst
Cowboy Bebop: "Toys in the Attic" and "Bohemian Rhapsody"
In which the show pays homage to Alien, 2001, and Chessmaster 3000
The Drew Carey Show explored crossdressing — in very 1990s fashion
The Cleveland-set sitcom tried to understand gender non-conformity. And then it stopped trying.
The welcome vulnerability of John Cena
He's a musclebound action star who really doesn't mind being the butt of the joke.
Cowboy Bebop: "Jamming With Edward" and "Ganymede Elegy"
In which I get why everybody told me that this show had "some gender stuff"
The surprisingly enduring appeal of Stephen Sondheim's Company
Two major productions have revealed new facets in a musical long thought to be hopelessly dated.
The Worst Person in the World is about dissociation
This Norwegian dramedy kinda sorta captures what it's like to be totally adrift from your own self
Cowboy Bebop: "Heavy Metal Queen" and "Waltz for Venus"
In which the show is trying things, and I appreciate it (even if it doesn't always work)