1 min read

What show should I recap next?

A new era approaches
What show should I recap next?

Hey, paid subscribers!

Cowboy Bebop is almost done for. I'll cover the two-part finale on July 25 and the movie on August 8. While I might cover the Netflix remake, that will be a one-off "bonus." Either way, a new recap series will begin on August 22!

I had intended to cover Black Sails in that spot. However, due to some impending personal life stuff, I am trying to find something I can wrap before the end of the year, which would mean a ceiling of 10 installments. At two episodes per installment, that means I can cover about 20 episodes of television.

Some of you have expressed interest in further coverage of non-English language TV, similar to the old recaps of Babylon Berlin. Others would love to see more cult stuff. I, personally, would like to stay away from animation for a short bit (even though I recognize anime is one of the best ways to come up with a 20-episodes-or-less show of real quality). All I ask is that the series be readily available to American viewers, as most of you live in the United States. I'd also be open to discussing a film series of some sort.

So please post your thoughts on what I should cover in the comments or by replying to this email. No show too small!