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What are you going to watch this weekend? (July 29 edition)

A weekly comment thread
What are you going to watch this weekend? (July 29 edition)

Happy Thursday!

It’s time to ask the eternal question: What are you watching this weekend?

As a longtime booster of Enlightened, Mike White's two-season HBO series that starred Laura Dern as an overbearing woman turned corporate crusader, you'd think I would have been on board with his new HBO limited series The White Lotus from the word go. (By the way, I'm still amused by the comments on the A.V. Club article from 2013 when we named Enlightened the best show of the year over the final season of Breaking Bad. I stand by it!)

But I resisted watching the show just a little. Something about its comedy of manners setup felt especially... comedy of manners-y to me. Yet I'm going to be writing about the show for Vox, and I really do love what I've seen so far. It's incisive, funny, and deeply haunted. I half suspect it might be one of the TV shows to survive this era for how thoroughly it pins our modern world down to begin dissecting it.

I'll also probably take in The Green Knight in theaters. I love David Lowery's work, I love Dev Patel's acting, and I love Arthurian legend. I'm pretty much in the tank for this movie already, so fingers crossed that it somehow exceeds my sky-high expectations.

So tell me what you’re going to check out over the next few days! Post a comment or reply to this email!