1 min read

Stealth is over; please check out my new newsletter!

Stealth is over; please check out my new newsletter!

There's been an influx of subscriptions to Stealth in the last few weeks -- probably because I have a link to it as a pinned tweet, so that would make sense -- but I'm no longer regularly updating this newsletter! I have a new one over at Substack, which focuses on both pop culture stuff and trans identities, like some sort of strange chimera grown in a lab and fed with my stem cells.

That kind of got out of hand, huh?

Anyway, you can subscribe to that over here, and I'd love if you did.

In the meantime, thank you for subscribing and reading here! Some of the stuff I wrote here I am so incredibly proud of, and some of it, I'm going to try to work into chapters in a book or something. And some of it was Just Okay! It's really been great to have all of you along for the ride, and I hope you'll join me over at Substack.

--Emily VanDerWerff

(who wrote Stealth from March 2018 to November 2019)