2 min read

The September sale is here!

Happy fall TV season, everyone!

Ah, September! If you're an American TV fan, it is a time when hope springs eternal, or at least it used to be. It is a time of new shows, big hopes, and fancy plans. It is the time of TV Guide's fall preview issue, of Entertainment Weekly's fall TV preview, of networks showing weird little programs outlining their new schedules.

It's also the time of the Episodes newsletter SEPTEMBER SALE. Have you always wanted to be a paid subscriber? Well, why not take advantage of this sale? Our annual subscription rate of $50 – already a better deal than our $5/month rate – is reduced to $45 through September 30. That means you'll be getting three whole months completely free.

But wait! There's more. That rate will be set in stone for you as long as you stay subscribed. Subscribe before September 30, and you'll be getting those three free months for the rest of your life (or the rest of the duration of this newsletter). Neat deal!

What do you get for that subscription? Well, some pretty cool stuff, if I do say so.

  • A newsletter every Friday. If you want my thoughts on current TV and films, I try to confine those to the Friday edition, but we also have a monthly mailbag and other fun stuff.
  • Access to the Episodes Discord, which is one of the most swell places on the internet, full of great chatter about pop culture and a bunch of other things.
  • The ability to comment on articles.
  • Occasional other fun things. I'm thinking about setting up a periodic Zoom call for subscribers. Maybe you'd like to watch me on Zoom. Who can say?

Most of all, though, you'd be supporting my family and me. This newsletter's increasing stability helps create a steady bedrock for us in a field that is inherently volatile. What's more, the field of cultural criticism has collapsed in the last several years. I am not yet to the point where I could bring on other writers and editors, but I'm getting close. I'd love to figure out a way to make this a place where lots of amazing voices get to share their thoughts in 2025. Even if you subscribe for one month at the $5 tier, you'll be helping toward that goal.

But, again, I really think you'll want to take advantage of the SEPTEMBER SALE. Here's that button again.