Episodes: Why I stopped loving comments sections
Let me show you something dumb I wrote.
Okay, first, let me set the scene.
It's February 2013.
Episodes: 13
The smartest thing I've ever read about marriage is in Mary Doria Russell's The Sparrow, a
Episodes: The "can you top that?!" season
You remember 24, season six, right? (Bear with me; I've been thinking about 24 a lot today.)
Episodes: The women
It's 1987.
I'm in Sunday School. The instructor is talking about fruits of the Holy Spirit,
Episodes: The cat
(As always, all names have been changed and various details obscured to hide real identities, etc.)
The first time Bill
Episodes: Liking things
I saw a movie tonight that I'm convinced is a near-masterpiece, held back by a couple of dumb
Episodes: The Emmys are just fine
Every July brings one of my least favorite TV rituals: complaining about the Emmy awards.
Now, to be sure, there
Episodes: The very human Mr. Robot
(I posted this to Facebook in August of 2015. Its length made me think maybe I should have an email
Episodes: The mirror structure
So as I said a few days ago (before the plane's descent so rudely interrupted me), sitting down
Episodes: I want my country back
(I had been planning a version of this essay to run on July 4, but couldn't find time